ROOTED's NEW 2nd Edition of our K-5 segment is called REVEALED. Literature-based…
Place your annual Student Commonplace Book re-order below or purchase BOTH the Teachers’ Guides and Student Commonplace Book components for Grades 6-8 in any quantity you need. The goal in our ROOTED: Theology of the Body Middle School series is to present these units in a way consonant with the thought and approach of Pope St. John Paul II. Purchase one (non-consumable) Teacher’s Guide for each Grade 6-8 TOB educator and a keepsake Common Place Book per Grade 6-8 student annually for consumption (TOB prompts, reflections and intentional assignments).
This sixth through eighth grade curriculum is a three-year cycle, in which students are invited to come to a deeper understanding of how Christ fully reveals man to himself, and makes his calling clear. In keeping with Pope St. John Paul II’s scriptural reflection on the human person, the material is presented in creative, embodied, and interactive ways, to assist the student in receiving this awe-inspired message of their identity as sons and daughters of God.
Each guide contains scripture connections, quotes from Man and Woman He Created Them, questions, activities, and challenges to help students continue learning outside the classroom. This bundle may include Teacher’s Guides for each grade level in whatever quantity suits your needs (6, 7, 8).
Students use one Commonplace Book per year for each grade level to explore Theology of the Body lessons and do individual work, in response to the dynamic learnings from the classroom. Each student book includes Theology of the Body prompts, reflections, and intentional assignments.
Progressively over Grades 6-8, students will personally and developmentally learn to:
Middle School Lesson Themes
Each grade has a theme made up of six units. Three units can be covered per semester.
Sixth Grade: Identity & Gift
Creation is a Gift
The Image of God
The Body Reveals Man
Original Solitude
Original Unity
Original Nakedness
Seventh Grade: Freedom & Virtue
Man of Concupiscence
Redeemed and Called to Greatness
Law and Love
Life According to the Spirit
The Heroism of Love: Suffering and Gift
The Spousal Meaning of the Body
Eighth Grade Themes: Vocation and Gift
Called to Love: Virginity for the Sake of the Kingdom
Called to Love: Sacrament of Marriage
St. Paul on Flesh and Spirit
Logic of Domination vs. Logic of Gift
Final Victory over Death: Resurrection of the Body
Guidance in forming children to become who God created them to be
Most Catholic educators and parents lack clear and simple language they can use to help guide children in their God-given identity. Our Theology of the Body curriculum aims to provide answers. The truths of Theology of the Body will foster each student’s lifelong dialogue with God.
What is Theology of the Body?
Theology of the Body (or TOB) is the basis of our religion curriculum and coursework. But we know that most Catholics don’t have a firm understanding of Theology of the Body yet. That’s why we want to guide you through it. TOB is St. John Paul II’s powerful glimpse of the human person – expressed in 129 separate audiences – revealing the beauty of God’s design for us. TOB helps us to understand how we were created, our identity in Christ, and our giftings, so that we may see ourselves and others the way God intended.
What is the best way to implement these fundamental teachings of what it means to be human according to God’s plan and purpose?
There are so many different ways that schools, diocese, homeschoolers and parishes have added in Theology of the Body to help cultivate a sacramental worldview. Please contact us at Ruah Woods 513 407-8672 or email curriculum@ruahwoods.org to form your students and teachers in the truth, beauty and goodness of Theology of the Body. We are on a mission to heal a wounded world — one heart and mind at a time.
I live outside the US, can I order the curriculum outside the United States or use the online High School platform?
Yes! When you create your account, you will have a chance to select your country so you can provide an accurate billing address and pay by credit card. You can only pay by credit card for accounts outside the United States. International shipping is quite expensive and unfortunately we have no influence over the international shipping rates. However, our high school curriculum for Grades 9-12 is completely online. There are no distance barriers for your high school or using Called to be More to teach your staff about Theology of the Body.