ROOTED's NEW 2nd Edition of our K-5 segment is called REVEALED. Literature-based…
Our Lady of Fatima asked us to pray the Rosary every day. This book is designed to help classrooms and families like yours pray the Rosary every day with great joy and harmony. Inspired by the writings of Pope St. John Paul II, this book shares the beautiful truth of God’s plan for humanity. While meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary and the reflections in this book, children come to a deeper understanding of who they are and why God made them.
(Also Available in Spanish)
Inspired by the writings of Pope St. John Paul II, this book shares the beautiful truth of God’s plan for humanity. While meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary and the reflections in this book, children come to a deeper understanding of who they are and why God made them.
Debbie Staresinic is a graduate of the Theology of the Body Institute. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother, with a special love for the Blessed Mother and a passion for sharing the Church’s beautiful vision concerning the meaning and value of the human person. Following the words and example of Pope St. John Paul II, Mrs. Staresinic invites us to enter more fully into the Church’s call to be active witnesses of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial love in our lives.
The app is an easy way to pray the rosary with your kids along with the book. You can access it today on your phone, tablet, and desktop. Enjoy the children’s voices of Royalmont Academy as you follow along any of the mysteries for just one decade or all five onamissiontolove.app
Schools and parishes can receive a discount on purchases of 25 or more for gifts (not for resale). Contact Evie Estes at evie@ruahwoods.org or 513 407-8672 to learn more.
Booksellers with a Vendor’s License may register your company for your store’s wholesale discount on this title.
“I am excited to pass it on to all (65) of my First Communion students! Thank YOU and may God bless every child who comes in contact with this treasure!” —Meghan
“I just wanted to share a picture that I snapped this morning of my kindergarten son independently praying the Rosary using On a Mission to Love as his guide! Found him praying in his pajamas on the floor by our family altar with the sun shining through the window.” —Laura
“I wanted to let you know that we received the book and we love it so much! It is was just what we were looking for to educate our children on the Rosary.” —Kathleen
“We received your book as a 1st communion gift. My children love it so much we need to order a second one.” —Kelli
“Thank you for making something beautiful so we can teach our children to love the Rosary!“—Sarah