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The Time Is Now To Embrace St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body

The Time Is Now To Embrace St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse has written a very clear-headed and helpful article about the recent Vatican instruction on gender ideology…

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Who Can Meet the Needs Called for by the Church in the New Document on Gender Theory?

Who Can Meet the Needs Called for by the Church in the New Document on Gender Theory?

Earlier this month on June 10th, the Congregation for Catholic Education issued a document entitled ‘Male and Female He Created…

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Pondering Adjacent Feasts for BODY and SOUL

Pondering Adjacent Feasts for BODY and SOUL

Most parents and teachers look to the close of May as both an end and a beginning. The school year…

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ROOTED Curriculum Receives Critical Acclaim

ROOTED Curriculum Receives Critical Acclaim

We are humbled at Ruah Woods Press to have received two wonderful endorsements for our ROOTED Theology of the Body…

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Fatima, The Rosary and Theology of the Body

Fatima, The Rosary and Theology of the Body

Many people know that St. John Paul II was shot on May 13, 1981, the memorial of Our Lady of…

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“The World Needs This!” NCEA Educators Exclaim

“The World Needs This!” NCEA Educators Exclaim

Our suitcases are unpacked from the fruitful 2019 National Conference of Catholic Educators (NCEA) Convention and Expo in the Archdiocese…

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Culture-Change Springs in Cincinnati (Again!)

Culture-Change Springs in Cincinnati (Again!)

WHY CINCINNATI? Laura Strietmann, Curriculum Consultant at Ruah Woods Press was inspired when asked this very question, “Why Cincinnati?” She…

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Tony Maas Radio Interview — “Gold for Parents”

Tony Maas Radio Interview — “Gold for Parents”

“This show we are doing today is gold for parents,” said Catholic Radio host Jim Havens. Havens hosts a weekly show,…

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Stirring the Waters for Human Dignity

Stirring the Waters for Human Dignity

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”  The…

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Taking Pre-Orders for Completed Grades 6-8 TOB Curriculum Now

Taking Pre-Orders for Completed Grades 6-8 TOB Curriculum Now

As we wrap up the Pilot Study of our Grades 6 through 8 materials, the time has come to start…

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