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The Incorruptibles: Testimony to the Dignity of Our Bodies

The Incorruptibles: Testimony to the Dignity of Our Bodies

We are almost finished with Lent this year. This past Sunday, Laetare Sunday, my pastor gave an interesting homily about…

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Submission — A Necessity No One Wants

Submission — A Necessity No One Wants

On the Feast of Christ the King, I was contemplating what it means for Christ to be my King. Ultimately,…

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The Problem of Shamelessness

The Problem of Shamelessness

In recent articles, we have explored the emergence of shame in our first parents and all subsequent human beings after…

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Original Shame — Part 3

Original Shame — Part 3

With their fall from grace, our first parents experienced a decisive shift in their relationship marked by what I have…

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The Preeminence of Theology of the Body

The Preeminence of Theology of the Body

The overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022 was rightly welcomed with joy by Catholics and all those…

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Meet Claudia Kimura Who Now Shares Her Gifts at Ruah!

Meet Claudia Kimura Who Now Shares Her Gifts at Ruah!

Gifts: who doesn’t like gifts?! This season is known as the “season of gifts.” As I reflect on the gifts…

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A Warm Welcome to Victoria O’Donnell to the Ruah Woods Team

A Warm Welcome to Victoria O’Donnell to the Ruah Woods Team

Tell me a little about yourself? I am a Cincinnati native with years of experience in both ministry and sales. Which,…

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The Word Made Flesh: Human Dignity Made Manifest

The Word Made Flesh: Human Dignity Made Manifest

In the grand tapestry of creation, the pinnacle of God’s goodness is embodied in humanity. This truth is deeply rooted…

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Original Shame — Part 2

Original Shame — Part 2

As described in my previous article, Pope St. John Paul II regarded the emergence of shame in the wake of…

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Original Shame — Part 1

Original Shame — Part 1

As we have been exploring the nature and effects of original sin on humanity, it is now time to plunge…

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