September 28, 2020
How do you see our time? Do you see it as a time of chaos… in our world, in our country, in our streets — in pandemics and politics? Jesus told St. Faustina that he wants us to see this as a time of great mercy. Following Jesus, it’s a perfect time to set aside discomfort and unrest and unite ourselves with each other, with the communion of saints, and with our God. It’s time to circle up. It’s time to return to praying the rosary. In fact, there is no better time…October is the month of the rosary!
We join Our Lady of Fatima in making a simple request of our schools, parishes, and families. Over one hundred years ago this month, Our Lady asked simple children to pray and make sacrifices for the salvation of sinners — and to encourage everyone to pray the rosary to stave off oncoming war. Listen to your mother. In this month of October, let’s start an amazing habit of praying the rosary – one decade a day — for the entire month. One week to pray the five Joyful Mysteries. One week to pray the five Luminous Mysteries. One week to pray the five Sorrowful Mysteries. One week to pray the five Glorious Mysteries.
Imagine the power you would unleash in our world — not to mention the protection of mercy you would call down on your parish or school, your classroom, or your home.
Using a book like Debbie Staresinic’s On A Mission To Love, it’s easy to engage a whole school or a whole family. Start by announcing the Mystery for the day and mention an intention (maybe for our country, or our church, or the health of our families). Then lead everyone in praying an Our Father together. Children can take turns reading aloud the meditation for a bead — the rest of those assembled pray aloud a Hail Mary. In school, this could be accomplished over the speakers at announcement time. In ten minutes, children and adults will have lifted their minds to God in a beautiful way together. And with that connection, with God in mind and in heart, the day will be on a new trajectory.
The On a Mission to Love, decade-a-day rosary meditation book is available to purchase individually for $12 at RuahWoodsPress.com. However, with schools or parishes that wish to make a gift of these books to educators, families or parishioners, you can call Evie 513 407-8672, and we can send these books for a specially low bulk rate (not for resale — in quantities of 25 or more).
During the final apparition in Fatima (Oct. 13), Mary called herself Our Lady of the Rosary. She asked us then and now to repent from sin, and to pray the rosary for peace in the family and in the world. We want you to reap the fruits of praying the rosary starting now. As Catholics, we have nothing to fear and everything to gain. This is our time. Let mercy reign in your little corner of the Kingdom.
Written by,
Steve Deiters,
Director of Development,
Ruah Woods Press