Finding More Beyond Baltimore
Dear Friends, Crab cakes, The Inner-Harbor, Little Italy, and the Baltimore Orioles are just a few of the elements…

Covid-19 and the Meaning of Work: A Theology of the Body Perspective
Sadly, 3.5 million Americans have already filed for unemployment as the economic consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic escalate. We pray…

Staying Spiritually and Physically Fit During Social Distancing
Are you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and out of sorts? While trying to preserve some sense of normalcy during these upside-down…

The Coronavirus, the New Normal and the Rosary
What a remarkable time to be alive. I probably don’t need to spend much time explaining our current situation to…

Armor Up Against Diabolical Identity Theft
It’s popular to have identity theft monitoring services to protect your finances, and credit score from scam artists and hackers…

Getting to the Roots of the Cultural Crisis
You could hear a pin drop. Their eyes were eager, tipping on the edge of cynicism, desperately hoping I had…

Mary’s Messages: a Lenten Invitation
Mary has appeared over the centuries donning many titles and styles of dresses, always wearing the right outfit for the…

Make It Last: A Love That Lasts a Lifetime
It is safe to say that every human person has a strong desire to be loved and, in return, to…

Catholic Schools Week — Fortified with TOB
The last week in January, Catholic Schools are being celebrated throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. And what a celebration it…