God in the Movies: A Hidden Life of Blessed Franz Jägerstätter
Themes from Theology of the Body are beautifully enfleshed in a recent film about the life and death of the…

Conquering Fear and Opening Wide the Doors for Christ in India
Being a student of many things Theology of the Body and Pope St. John Paul II, I have my favorite…

My Classroom Visit to Help Develop K-8 TOB Standards
Writing Theology of the Body standards for grades K-8 was a challenge at many levels. Adults can find St. John…

The Father’s Love Revealed in the Body
Mary laid Jesus in a manger, a feeding trough, as a hint that one day He would be bread for…

Transforming Schools, Inspiring Saints, and Changing the World
Banners are popping up in schools throughout the country proclaiming: We are a TOB Campus – A Community of Persons Where…

New Resource for Principals and Teachers: Standards for Teaching Theology of the Body by Ruah Woods!
The fact that Jesus taught his disciples how to pray (Matt 6, Luke 11) teaches us a central truth about…

St. John Paul II, Champion of the Human Person
On October 22nd, the Church celebrated the feast of St. John Paul II. Like many others, I have been reflecting…

Ruah Woods Holds 10th Annual Banquet
September 19, 2019 marked Ruah Woods’ Annual Banquet where we celebrated our 10th anniversary of bringing Theology of the Body…

“Grand Camp” Developed in Wichita Catholic Diocese Using ROOTED
Approximately 25 grandchildren, their grandparents and parents in the Wichita Diocese learned about many of the foundational themes from Theology…