The Joy of Feasting
We hear a lot in the church about fasting. We need to fast, we know the rules about fasting and…

New Vocabulary for Teachers
Mask breaks, social distancing, COVID-19, plexiglass dividers, outbreak, herd immunity, super-spreader and on and on and on. New vocabulary for…

A School’s Appreciation for ROOTED
We began teaching a short program on Theology of the Body (TOB) many years ago to just our 8th grade…

A Call to Love
There is no doubt that the Catholic Church values the sacrament of marriage. It is so important, in fact, that…

Finding Peace in Daily Life
Before I began studying Theology of the Body, in my “busy” life, I merely “tried to make time for a…

Ruah Woods Welcomes Mike Reckers, Director of Finance, to the Team
My name is Mike Reckers. I am very happy to join the ministry at Ruah Woods as the Director of…

On a Mission to Love… In Our Home (with Kate)
The Holy Spirit has placed a desire deep within my heart to pray the Rosary over the years. I can…

Retiring from Ruah Woods and Waiting for God’s Re-Deployment Orders
While facilitating discussion for the latest read in Ruah Woods’ TOB Chapter Chat, I often rhetorically ask the group, “Why…

The Great Uniter
The closing of the Liturgical Year, Thanksgiving and Advent; currently indicating an ending, an occasion for gratitude and a new…